Final Project Idea

28 Mar 2024

Launch Your Adventure: The Ultimate Internship Quest!

Authors: Gian Panoy | Lily Enanoria | Natalie Ching | Allison Ebsen | Myra Ortigosa

Overview (including “The problem” and “The solution”)

The problem: Searching for internships can be a daunting process due to how much and how far spread vital information about these internships are all over the webs. Acquiring basic information such as reviews from previous interns, pay rate, locations, etc are usually not all on one page and might require hours of research, just to get a grasp of one internship!

The solution: Centralizing this information would greatly aid applicants and organizations alike. Our site would provide an easily accessible website to all students, where they can browse internship opportunities and read reviews to find their ideal match. Applicants can login to browse a well-organized directory of internship listings, with past reviews, locations, specializations as well as providing a way to network with recruiters and previous interns. Recruiters/organizations can also login to add their internship to the list. This platform will streamline the search process and empower aspiring interns to make informed decisions about their career paths.

Mockup page ideas

Use case ideas

User: landing page → login page –> user home page → user profile page

Recruiters: Landing page → login page → home page → add recruiting page

Admin: landing page → login page → homepage → edit internships

Beyond the basics

After implementing the basic functionality, here are ideas for more advanced features: